Warsaw School of Computer Science
is a private university established on the basis of the decision of the Minister of Science and Higher Education dated 19th July 2000.
Faculty: Software Engineering
Finalist of V championship in C++ programming at Warsaw School of Computer Science
Stefan Czarniecki High School in Chelm
Class profile: Mathematics & Physics
The official "Czarniecki’s laurels" award for scientific achievements
Distinction in nationwide See Mathematics competition organized by the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. You can see my work here.
Second prize in international competition – The Junior Internet. Presentation of the awarded website at a symposium in Prague.
Give me a chance to contribute to the bright future of your business. Take advantage of my skills to improve your company and build a strong IT background.
Hypermedia is a global information technology house that specialize in Web technologies.
As a part of Dentsu Aegis Network and
the production hub for Isobar they have the power of over
3700 people in 39 countries all around the world.
You can read about my responsibilities in the recommendation
Kotkla.pl® is modern interactive agency providing a comprehensive range of IT services.
As a C# programmer I was responsible for planning and implementing web applications and software development.
Moreover, I wrote technical & project documentation, designed and optimized databases and the source code.
More information:
I created small companies’ websites and business cards, wrote simple scripts, administrated gaming portals etc.
No-one knows how deep the rabbit-hole goes...
I was responsible for implementation, database design, development, documentation and unit testing.
A complex, innovative, biggest ever Kellogg’s EMEA digital product that engaged users from 32 countries allowing them to have a personalized spoon engraved and shipped. The order can be tracked via the Order Tracker functionality implemented on the site.
I was responsible for the prototype project, Twitter integration, database design, queue system, robotic arm communication and admin panel implementation.
This gives the participant a chance to win a trip to Mexico, and 100s of other prizes, while maximizing the online ‘word of mouth’ effect by showing up on followers feeds. A mechanical stick takes a swing at the Piñata for the participants that are placed in a queue. The participants’ place in the queue is indicated on the top of the web page, and also highlighted by a LED display positioned underneath the Piñata. The participant doesn’t have to be present to win – they are notified on Twitter if they win.
I was responsible for creating complex multi-touch applications and games. I worked on the nTable core, UI real time rendering, app store sync, administration panel, keyboard, web browser and many other parts of the project.
nTable is a software for modern and interactive touch table. It allows users to manipulate applications with the use of fingers and gestures. It provides solutions for schools, restaurants, business meetings etc. nTable is the main product of kotkla company.
IR Tracker is an advanced software for web cameras. It records IR Pen movements and reflects them as mouse cursor motion on the computer screen. Each frame from web camera is processed by GPU to find light point of IR Pen. My program takes into account angle of view, shape of light point, light conditions, movement probability and other variables.
FSM Calculator is an advanced financial calculator officially used by advisers of FSM Polska - Polish leader of financial consulting. It fully analyzes customer needs, looks for optimal solutions, creates elaborate financial simulations, generates reports, stores customer personal data etc.
I was responsible for designing and coding the website's layout, creating real-time questionnaire designer on the front-end and back-end side. I was also responsible for code development, database formation, creation of WebForms, implementation of changes etc.
Questionnaire Platform is a website that enables conducting intricate tests, creating complex & multi-tiered questionnaires, quizzes, polls and exams. Based on user’s choices, the system allows to create more personalized questions in further parts of the test (e.g. if the respondent is a man the system addresses him Mr, in another case Ms). Furthermore it is also possible to create conditional questions (their visibility depends on user's previous answers), conditional section jumps, sub-answers, multi/single line text areas, PDF reports etc. Creating comprehensive tests is really simple and convenient thanks to a powerful, real-time form designer.
Cennik Online ® is a service in the azure cloud dedicated for e-shop owners.
This software allows to synchronize products between shops and warehouses.
Thanks to the program their assortment is always up to date.
I was the chief programmer responsible for continuation of Dibby’s Company
main product, previously called Cennik Offline.
Compared to the old version, the new one provides some interesting features like:
The program was created for marketing purposes. It collects information about potential client’s companies from CEIDG and stores them a in database. The program automatizes the process of data collection by bypassing the captcha protection system.
This is the second website which I treated as my own learning playground. Created for fun in late 2009. During this time I learned a lot about the website development, I’ve tried out different coding techniques and gained coding-related experience.
Market aplikacji® is a digital distribution platform for apps on edu-screen and the nTable.
This is the very first website in my web developer career. It was created for my classmates in high school (12 years ago).
There are many interesting sections like:
Web application that allows converting numeral systems between each other. What is interesting here is that it shows all of the applied methods - not only the result of conversion. Everything is explained step by step.